• 1. What is PropMarket?

    PropMarket is a revolutionary real estate investment platform that allows individuals to invest in fractionalized property projects. Through our platform, you can become a property investor and gain partial ownership of high-value properties.

  • 2. How does PropMarket work?

    PropMarket utilizes blockchain technology to tokenize real estate assets. Each token represents a share in a specific property. Investors can purchase these tokens and become fractional owners, allowing them to benefit from potential returns and rental income.

  • 3. Is PropMarket open to all investors?

    Yes, PropMarket is open to both individual investors and institutional investors. Our goal is to democratize real estate investment and make it accessible to anyone, regardless of their financial status or real estate experience.

  • 4. How do I invest in a property on PropMarket?

    To invest in a property on PropMarket, you need to create an account, browse the available investment opportunities, review property details and financial projections, and then purchase tokens representing a share in the property. The entire investment process is conducted securely on our platform.

  • 5. What is the minimum investment amount?

    The minimum investment amount may vary depending on the specific property project. However, we strive to make real estate investment accessible to all, and therefore, the minimum investment amount is designed to be affordable for a wide range of investors.

  • 6. How do I track my investments?

    Once you have invested in a property project, you can easily track your investments through your PropMarket account. Our platform provides you with real-time updates on your investment performance, rental income, and other relevant information.

  • 7. What is the expected return on investment?

    The expected return on investment varies for each property project and is dependent on factors such as location, market conditions, and property performance. We provide comprehensive property details and financial projections to help you make informed investment decisions.

  • 8. Are my investments secure?

    At PropMarket, we prioritize security and transparency. Each token is backed by a physical real estate asset, ensuring that your investment is backed by a tangible property. Additionally, our platform utilizes robust security measures and blockchain technology to ensure the integrity and safety of your investments.

  • 9. Can I sell my investment tokens?

    Yes, PropMarket offers a secondary market where you can sell your investment tokens if you wish to liquidate your holdings. The secondary market provides liquidity and allows you to buy and sell tokens based on market demand.

  • 10. How can I contact customer support?

    If you have any questions or need assistance, our dedicated customer support team is here to help. You can reach out to us via email at [email protected], and we will respond to your inquiries promptly.